Everything you need to know about escape room industry and more...
Hey, it's us escape buzz!

Hey, it's us escape buzz!

Bartosz Idzikowski |

Today is the day when escape.buzz was born. A new project on the escape room market. We are not a blog, we are not a content aggregator. We're an industry website, which aims to present the status and current news from the world of escape rooms. Additionally, we are a place where you can find information about the most important players in this market and easily reach them.

Our names are Anna, Hanna, Jakub, Tomasz and Bartosz. Our main project is Lock.me. However, some time ago we decided that the escape room industry is so mature and developed that it deserves its own industry website.  That's how escape.buzz was created.

Important topics

First of all, you will read here texts about the escape rooms industry. We try to collect the most interesting information, and present branch news but also touch on difficult and unpopular topics. You won't find here too often reviews of board games or escape rooms themselves. There are plenty of great blogs on the Internet that already do this and we don't want to duplicate their work. We want to describe phenomena on the market, bring up issues important for the industry and show the world that escape rooms are great and it's worth going to them, cooperating with them, and talking about them. This means that we won't publish every day, just what and how. We prefer to write less frequently, but interestingly and with commitment. We hope that our publications will cause discussions in the world of escape rooms.


Secondly, you will find here a database of experts and entities which are important for the escape rooms world. We missed very much a place where you could find for example the biggest escape room expert from Lithuania or companies building escape rooms from Greece. First of all, we want to distinguish people who do a lot of good for the industry, and secondly, we want to make it easier to reach them. The database will grow and change all the time. What's important is that with time the entities and persons will disappear from it. We want it to be up-to-date and reliable. We invite you to browse its content and submit suggestions to us. However, we reserve the right not to include every person or company on the list. We care about people who stand out and are really important to the industry. The full database can be viewed here >> Link

And this is it?

At the start yes. However, our plans are ambitious and we intend to develop dynamically. Soon, we plan to release new formats around escape.buzz. But for now, we don't want to reveal more.

We invite you to cooperate with us

If you like what we're doing, we invite you to cooperate. If you think you have something interesting to say to the world of escape rooms let us know. We will be happy to talk and provide you with our platform for publication. If you're looking for a place where you can present yourself or your project - you're welcome. We don't close ourselves to commercial cooperation. However, they must be done with taste and sensitivity. We are not interested in ordinary advertising that does not contribute anything. We are also willing to become a patron of events or products from the world of escape rooms. There are many fields for cooperation - you just have to find the right one.

See you in the world of escape rooms.

Thank you for dropping by. Feel free to browse the site and sign up for a newsletter to receive fresh information. See you soon!

Bartosz Idzikowski

Bartosz Idzikowski

Lockme Co-funder

Escape room enthusiast with over 550 visited rooms. Co-founder of escape room marketplace lock.me, escape room board games series Escape Tales and Escape Room World Championship Er Champ. In his spare time guitar player and lover of psychedelic progressive rock.

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